Guide School Videos
Instructional Horse and Mule Packing Video
Four our 2.5 hour professional backcountry packing training video visit our Instructional Horse and Mule Packing Video page!
Hunting Guide and Packer School Videos
Below are a few of our videos, check out our YouTube channel for more!
Wilderness Adventures on our School Pack Trip
Here is some footage from the pack trip we do that takes place during the last week of our guide school course. We absolutely never know what we’re gonna see or what obstacles we’ll need to overcome. Check out the high water crossing… …yes, things can get a little sketchy sometimes, but that’s all part of how you learn to be a guide. These mountains are also filled with elk, deer, bear, moose, mountain lions, sheep, goat, wolves, bobcats, porcupine, badgers, weasels, marmots, …the list goes on! We’ve been doing this for years and every time is different and our knowledge and appreciation only grows. This is the life, man!
Guide and Packer Course Lessons
This is a playlist (click the left corner to expand) of just a few of the topics and lessons you’ll learn at our school. Learn how to hunt, how to pack a mule, how to quarter and pack an elk, different knots you’ll need to know, mantying, pack lines and tons more. …so much to know, this is just a taste of the knowledge of learning how to be a guide! There are more lessons on our YouTube channel such as how to field dress (how to gut) an elk, how to cape an elk, removing ivories and more. The course is 4 weeks because we just can’t teach you what you need to know in any less amount of time.
The School Pack Trip
We took a GoPro on this one. The week long pack trip we take at the end of school provides real, hands on experience with the pack string, camping, cooking, taking care of the stock and leaving no trace when we move on. It’s beautiful country and as you can see, we have a ton of fun! Depending on the season of the session you sign up for, our pack trip will take us to different parts of the Montana back country and National Forest.
Dutch Oven and Outdoor Cooking
A collage of pictures from our Montana Outdoor Camp Cooking School. Take a look and tell me your mouth isn’t watering! We have absolutely THE best food during the guide school sessions. Every outfitter needs a versatile cook, adventure companies and trekking companies also need outdoor cooks, these are valuable skills! ….not to mention, the cook is the most loved person in camp, be they a guy or girl, the cook is the person that makes everybody satisfied. If you’re looking for a unique and exciting job, or just to have a fun outdoor adventure, sign up for our camp cook school!
Guide School Class Pictures
Set to some good rock n roll! Just a collage of pictures here, every single one of these pictures was taken in the Rocky Mountain area of the Royal Tine Guide School. During the course there will be day hikes and rides before we hit the trail on the week long pack trip that will take you to some of these places. Depending on what session you sign up for the weather can get crazy. The spring class usually gets snow. As you can see, there is a ton of wildlife in the remote area of the school.
Outdoor Camp Cooking School
Our camp cook school runs in conjunction with the guide school, it was featured on the Food Network! ..pretty awesome. LeRee runs the camp cook school and it is an absolute must for any guy or girl looking to learn real outdoor cooking skills and have a heck of an adventure in the process. Cooking with Dutch ovens, cooking in the ground, many skills that have long been forgotten. …but at Royal Tine, we thrive on REAL down home mountain cookin’.